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School and Nursery News December 2022


Peaslake Free School

We had a really inspiring last few weeks of 2022 because our children became globe-trotters, all from the comfort of their own classroom. From talking to the uncle of one of our Year 2 children at the COP 27 conference in Sharm-el Sheikh; where the children were able to see the set for this very important climate change meeting and ask questions about the work being done there, as well as ask advice on what we could do to help make a difference to our planet: to talking to children in St Paul’s Kyebando in Kampala, Uganda discussing across the internet our different ways of life in school and at home. It has been such a lovely opportunity for our children to learn about the different facilities and culture in a country so far away, we are planning further joint projects in the New Year.

Our favourite finale to the Autumn term is our very special Nativity held in the beautiful St Mark’s Church in Peaslake. The children not only looked amazing, all in their custom-made Bedouin costumes, but they sang and spoke beautifully, and it was wonderful to be able to perform to a church full of parents and grandparents who came to share this very special occasion. Working in a school of young children you can’t help but get swept away with the Christmas excitement that it brings. We thank you all for your support throughout the year and we send you good wishes for the New Year.

Peaslake Nursery

We are always busy in the Nursery but December was particularly so! At the time of writing, we have decorated our tree and the whole room is looking very festive. Rehearsals for our Christmas play are going well, and we are looking forward to performing it in front of parents and grandparents. I’m sure the Nursery children were inspired by the School children when they went to watch their Nativity in the Church.

My first term as Nursery Manager has flown by and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know our children and their families. We are so lucky to have such a warm and welcoming School and Nursery community and I am looking forward to keeping you up to date with all our activities in the New Year.


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