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What is Art and Design at Peaslake Free School?

At Peaslake Free School we believe that children love the opportunity to be creative on their own terms. We allow them the freedom to explore and learn how to represent their ideas using a range of different materials and media including natural materials, we take art outdoors too. We see art and design supporting learning across the curriculum and in a wide variety of contexts, the skills learnt can then be applied in other subjects whether it is creating maps in Geography or designing posters with meaningful messages in science, PSHE or literacy.

Children experience and learn how to develop a wide range of art and design techniques starting with mark making then using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form, and space to describe their observations and develop their imagination and creativity. At this age we believe art and design is much more about learning a process than the result. We know children love making things and by providing a range of materials they can represent and communicate their own ideas; they learn how to use utensils to create different effects and are encouraged to talk about what they are doing and why.

By looking at the work of other artists children can begin to understand art as a cultural feature, another way of learning about the world around them and the changes that have occurred over time. They can represent their own ideas, influenced by the work of different artists, and are encouraged to respond and talk about types of art.

Key Skills:

· Record ideas and experiences in a sketch book

· Develop ideas from a variety of starting points including the natural world, man-made objects, fantasy, stories, and different artistic influences.

· Choose appropriate materials and techniques for a project

· Use lines of different thickness to create different effects

· Use line and tone to draw shape, pattern, and texture

· Name primary colours and collate colours into groups.

· Mix paint colours to suit a task.

· Use modelling materials to create an imaginary or realistic form

· Cut and tear fabrics and paper, attaching them using different joining techniques

· Select and match colours when from observation, explain how colour makes them feel.

· Create patterns using natural materials – pebbles, leaves, cones, sticks etc

· Use tone to show light and shade

· Build simple thumb pots using clay, roll clay out onto a board

· Explain what they like/dislike about an artwork, compare to other pieces of art

· Explain the challenges and successes they encountered when completing a piece of art.


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