Every year we review the numbers in each year group, as well as the individual needs of pupils in the group, the staffing and the classes we have. We then model different scenarios for the year, and subsequent years, and discuss this with Governors.
We have to consider the best ways to meet the needs of all of the year groups. There is never one simple answer but a key factor is that we do not prioritise the needs of one year group above the needs of another.
In September 2024 we moved back to a two class model. Reception are in Pine Class with Miss Lock while Yr 1 and Yr 2 children are together in Oak Class with Mrs Hillery.
Using a mixed age model has been hugely successful over the history of the school. We adopt a variety of approaches to children’s learning, using class, group and individual teaching as appropriate. We are able to take advantage of the indoor and outdoor space we have available to provide year-specific sessions when needed.
Benefits that we have seen with mixed age teaching include:
Competition is removed from the classroom
Children are not labelled according to ability
The pace of learning is individualised
Children are viewed as unique individuals
Self-esteem blossoms
Children develop a sense of family with their class-mates
We provide a broad and balanced curriculum across the three age groups in our school. Our small class sizes and teaching staff-to-pupil ratio enable us to provide a very personalised approach to teaching across all year groups which enables children to learn at their own pace and achieve their best results.