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Design Technology

Sewing Tools



Design and technology education involves learning about the designed and made world, understanding how things work and designing and making functional products for particular purposes and users.


Pupils need opportunities to handle collections of existing products related to their projects and learn how to ask questions such as who the products are for, what they are for and how they work.


Design and Technology at Peaslake School is about giving the children the freedom to explore and manipulate materials and the resources to build, construct, cut, join and connect.


Junk modelling, that starts in the nursery is continued into Reception and children apply their imaginations to the objects they are creating. Through continuous provision children use the mud kitchen to collect natural materials to mix and stir and create exotic dishes in their role play. They use a range of different sized construction blocks to build bridges, ships, castles and towers so that they can start to experience the capability of different materials.


In key stage 1 skills are further developed through more structured projects, each year they experience the three different aspects of DT: mechanisms, textiles and nutrition.


DT is a collaborative subject, it starts by talking about ideas, drawing upon previous knowledge and experiences to think critically, solve problems, share ideas and take turns. When making design decisions pupils will have the opportunity to select from a range of different materials and tools related to the project. The skills children learn in the subject can also support learning across the whole curriculum, from science and maths to literacy.

Baking Class


By the end of KS1


Pupils will be able to design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves or others. 

They can generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups and where appropriate, information and technology. 


Pupils can select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks eg. Cut, shape, join and finish. 

They can select from and use a wide range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their characteristics.  


Pupils will be able to explore and evaluate a range of existing products. 

They can evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria. 


Technical Knowledge 

Pupils will be able to build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable. 

They can explore and use mechanisms eg levers, sliders, wheels and axels in their products. 


Textiles and Collage  

Pupils will be able to create a simple product using a joining stitch. 

They will be able to use a range of materials to create a variety of textured collages. 


Cooking and Nutrition 

Pupils will be able to use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes 

They will understand where food comes from. 

Yearly Overview




Exploration of different materials and showing an interest in and describing the texture of things.

Selecting tools to weave in and out and to thread objects such as beads and natural objects.



Exploration of different materials and tools and using techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials they are using


Food and Nutrition

Chopping - fruit salad

Year 1



Delightful decorations/Levers in cards

Use a variety of techniques: weaving, fabric crayons, sewing and binca.

Learn how to thread a needle, cut, glue and trim material.

Create images from imagination, experience or observation.

Use a wide variety of media, including photocopied material, fabric, plastic, tissue, magazines etc.

Understand the simple workings of materials and components.

Understand the movement of simple mechanisms including levers and sliders, wheels and axels.

Know the correct vocabulary for the projects they are completing.


London Taxi

Understand the simple workings of materials and components.

Understand the movement of simple mechanisms including levers and sliders, wheels and axels. 

Know the correct vocabulary for the projects they are completing.



Food and Nutrition

Designing and Making a Healthy Wrap

Know that food has to be farmed, grown elsewhere or caught.

Say where foods come from (eg plant or animal) 

Name and sort foods into the five groups according to the eatwell guide.

Discuss how fruit and vegetables are healthy. 

Know to wash hands and clean surfaces.

Select and use appropriate fruit and vegetables, processes and tools.

Use techniques such as cutting to prepare simple dishes.

Year 2



Design a Christmas Tree Decoration

Sewing different stitches make a decoration.

Explore a variety of techniques from weaving, tie-dying, fabric crayons and wax resist, mosaic.

Running stitch using large eye needles and knot.

Cut and shape fabric using scissors/snips.

Apply decoration and colour using beads, buttons, fabric pens, feathers etc.

Arrange and glue materials to different backgrounds to create textured collages.

Fold, crumble, tear and overlap papers.


London Wheel

Make a Ferris Wheel

Understand the simple working of materials and components.

Understand about the movement of simple mechanisms including wheels and axles. 

That a mechanism is a device that takes one kind of motion to produce another one. 

Use a range of mechanisms to make own products or models. (sliders, levers, wheels and axles).

Know the correct vocabulary for the projects they are undertaking.


Food and Nutrition

African Fruit Smoothie

Know that food has to be farmed, grown elsewhere or caught.

Name and sort foods into the five groups according to the Eatwell guide.

Explain why we need to wash hands and keep surfaces clean.

Describe where food comes from and how it is made.

Know the groups of food and describe “five a day”.

Select and use appropriate combinations of ingredients, tools and processes.

Prepare simple dishes hygienically.

Use techniques such as chopping, peeling, and grating to prepare simple dishes.

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