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School and Nursery News July 2022


Peaslake Free School

One of the advantages of being the “Little School in the Woods” is being able to take advantage of the amazing woodland surrounding us. Before half term our young explorers set off on a hike to the top of Holmbury Hill. Observing and learning about the different types of flora and fauna in our local area, with the added bonus of being able to climb, balance and hang from various branches and banks along the way, they bounced their way to the top. Once there – it took quite a long time and a few biscuit stops! We took in the view and imagined what life may have been like when it was an iron age fort. After a picnic to revive our energy levels, Miss Heaton, our new music teacher, joined us for a music lesson using natural objects to create musical beats as well as learning new woodland games and songs. The children had a fabulous time and proved how far they could walk in a single day, without the reverberating sound of “are we nearly there yet?!”

Our in-school Jubilee celebration was a great excuse for a party on a sunny afternoon. Adorned in royal outfits, our little Kings and Queens tucked into a feast and played a variety of games from different eras.

The first week back after half term was buzzing as our Open Gardens team of parents were visiting each lunchtime to get the playground ready for the big event, and the children really enjoyed helping them. The playground now looks amazing, thanks to all their hard work It was a great event and lovely to welcome so many past families back to school to look round, as well as admire some very beautiful local gardens.

We celebrated Father’s day in recognition and appreciation of all the wonderful things our Dads do for us. The children used their Forest School tool skills to make a suitable gift and we held a special assembly and tea to say thank you.

There is still lots more to fit in over the coming weeks and we are all so glad to have a school full of happy, healthy and excited children to enjoy the activities before the end of term.

Our School AGM will be held at school on Thursday 7th July at 9 am, all are welcome to attend, please ring the office on 01306 730411 for further details.

Sara Dangerfield

Peaslake Nursery

The last half of the term is now upon us. Nursery is a hive of activity, emotions are charged with excitement as we talk about all things transition and the next stage of the children’s learning. It fills me with so much pride to see how ready and well-prepared they all are for the next steps.

Our topic is Summer Holidays and we have set up a campsite in the roleplay area – the children have had so much fun camping, using the torches and sorting out sleeping arrangements, plus lots of BBQs and picnics. We will also be creating a beach in our outdoor area and talking about safaris and any other exciting holidays they have experienced. We have started practising for sports day, which is great fun and gets us all out onto the field daily to enjoy some sport and fitness.

Personally, this is an especially important time for me as it sees my time at Peaslake School coming to an end. I first came to the school when I moved from Albury into Mackies Hill in Peaslake and I immediately enrolled my middle son, Harry, into the school. Soon to follow was young George. On occasions if they struggled with their learning, a special thank you has to go to Mrs Still who helped them enormously. Both boys formed life-long friendships and made wonderful memories here. Peaslake gave them a kind, nurturing start to school life that helped them to grow into confident young boys who went on to embrace all their learning experiences.  I joined Peaslake School at first as support staff and very quickly became full time Nursery teacher and eventually Nursery manager. I have spent a very happy 10 years at the school, helping to build the nursery up to the great success it is today. Having experienced the school both as a parent and employee I cannot express what a magical place it is – and how many fond memories have been formed in and around the school

I will miss everyone very much and I wish all the staff and children the very best for the future.

Vanessa Pollard


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Colmans Hill, Peaslake, Surrey. GU5 9ST

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